M-AI-rry Christmas

Greetings in teenage slang from generic.de

PROMPT: Write a text for a Christmas card that a software service provider sends to its customers and partners. Give a short review of 2023 and an outlook for 2024. The text should contain approx. 100 words and written in teenage slang.

Hey Code Squad,

As we wrap up this wild tech ride called 2023, major kudos to our incredible customers and partners! We've smashed code, rolled out epic updates, and tackled bugs like champs. You guys are the real stars of this digital show!

Looking ahead to 2024, brace yourselves for even cooler features, smoother interfaces, and a coding vibe that's off the charts. Let nothing slow your roll, especially not the festive season!

Wishing you a lit holiday season and a mega-charged 2024, champs!

Keep coding awesome,